Friday, January 9, 2015

1.8.15 - Fantabulous Updates

Hello fellow Jammers! I apologize for not posting this yesterday, but I was quite busy and I couldn't find time to make this post... So here it is!

Page 1 : pet pandas have arrived, what else is in the issue

Page 2 : help AJHQ adopt a panda, new bounce house party

Page 3 : new den item contest

Page 4 : new animal coming to Jamaa puzzle

Image 1 : completed puzzle, seems to be an owl

Friday, November 21, 2014

11.21.14 - Polar Bears, Glove Sale, and Returning Jamaaliday Gifts!

Yesterday, 11.20.14, there was a new update, but I didn't log into AJ to get the screenshots of the update :( This is the update from yesterday... That I am showing you today. 

Page 1 : polar bears have arrived, rest of issue.

Page 2 : Feast of Thanks, glove sale

Page 3 : polar bear minibook, Life at the Poles

Page 4 : returning of the Daily Jamaaliday Gifts

Page 5 : redeem an AJ gift card to get a free polar bear pet

Image 1 : polar bears in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds, also members only.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

11.6.14 - Newest and Biggest Den of Jamaa, and Adorable Pet Lions!

Hello fellow Jammers! I apologize for not posting for a month... I've been quite busy and depressed. Hopefully, I'll be able to update more than I have been. Anyways, please enjoy today's update and new items!

Home page: Introducing the newest, and biggest den in Jamaa. Also showing what else in to see in this issue.

Sky Kingdom den in the Diamond Shop. Selling for 7 diamonds and it's a member's only den.

Page 2: Adorable pet lions are awaiting adoption in the Diamond Shop, and the announcement of polar bears arriving to Jamaa in a future update.

Page 3: There is a new adventure open to all jammers, so that means BOTH nonmembers and members. 

Page 3: The hair salon is available in Jam Mart Furniture. Also, selected pieces of the Ice Armor or for sale in the Diamond Shop.

Head over to the Diamond Shop, nonmembers and members for your very own Elephant Claw!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10.2.14 - Amazing Halloween Updates!

Well, today is Thursday and we've gotten an awesome update! It's the perfect Halloween update, and you're bound to love it sooner or later.

page 1

Page 1 tells us Jammers that there is a new adventure for all Jammers! That means nonmembers and members can work on the same adventure together!

page 2

Pandas have returned to Jamaa and they are also available for all Jammers! Also, go check out the new Panda Minibook in the Chamber of Knowledge. The crawly pet tarantulas have returned to the Diamond Shop for members as well.

page 3

Jamaa's favorite spooky celebration is back, and so is the Haunted Mansion den! Sadly, they've decided that it would be a good idea to put that den in the Diamond Shop and have it available for members only at a price of 5 whopping diamonds. ;<>;

page 4

Page 4 tells Jammers that the Phantom Vortex's have returned all around Jamaa, and like last Halloween, there is a fun game with a cool prize! It also tells us that the amazing Haunted Forest party has returned! 

page 5

This page tells us that there is a new Sketch Jam video at the Art Studio located in Coral Canyons! I would check that out if I were you, it sounds pretty fun. At Marine Marvels in the Deep Blue, you can buy your own set of the newest Alpha Statues! 

page 6

Page 6 just tells Jammers that the cheetahs are becoming endangered on the 23rd of October. The Jammers that have already bought their speedy cheetah will be able to purchase their cheetah for 1,000 gems after the 23rd like any other Diamond Shop animal.

Monday, September 29, 2014

9.29.14 - Rare Cone Collar

   Hello Jammers! It's Monday... Again, so that means that we've received a new Rare Item Monday! Located in the Medical Center of Jamaa, you can find this cute, purple, and black neck cone for any animal of your choice! It's black, purple, and [sadly] members only.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9.23.14 - Trapped Phantoms and Bulky Golden Phantoms

     Hello jammers! Today we have two new diamond shop items, and they're both betas of the past! You can buy both for a total of two diamonds, or you can just buy one for one diamond. It was very hard to get the different colors for the Trapped Phantom, but there are a few different colors that I know of. Yellow, purple, green, and blue are the only ones that I know of. Anyways, here are the two "betas of the past" located in the Diamond Shop for one diamond each!

Monday, September 22, 2014

9.22.14 - Rare Purple Beard!

    Since it is Monday, we have a Rare Item Monday! Rare beards are back, but with a twist! Instead of white, they are bright purple. For 400 gems, you can get this snazzy beard! Yet, it is another members only item.

     Sorry for the short post!

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